Can my office be out of my home?
Yes, you decide where you want to work. -
Can I only use the Regal Securities name or can I have my own DBA?
You are welcome to use the Regal Securities, or have your own DBA. -
Do you require E&O Insurance?
Yes, we require that you pay into our E&O insurance plan. -
Do you accept representative that have filed for bankruptcy?
No. -
How long will it take to transfer my license?
Your registration will be processed upon receipt of your U-4. The transition team and compliance department will keep you in the loop regarding the approvals for each state. -
How long will it take to move my accounts?
Assuming all necessary paperwork has been submitted correctly, ACAT transfers take approximately 3-5 business days. -
Who will supervise my office?
A principal of our firm will be assigned as your supervisor and a member of our compliance department will do periodic inspections. -
Do you offer health insurance?
No. -
Can I conduct direct mutual fund business with your firm?
You can service existing direct business, but we ask that new business be conducted through the brokerage account. -
In addition to ticket charges, what other fees do you have?
All advisors are required to pay for E&O coverage and their system workstation. -
Am I able to use social media (Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.) in my practice?
Yes, we support social media. -
Do you have production minimums to join your firms?
Yes, we look for advisors with at least $100,000 gross in commissions or in advisory fees per year. -
Do you take advisors with complaints on their U-4?
We are looking for financial advisors with clean records, but we understand some situations are out of one's control. Any complaints will be reviewed and evaluated on a case-by-case basis. -
Do you have advertising and marketing support?
Yes, we have a full service marketing department as well as templates and tools available to our financial advisors.
Wirehouse vs. Independent
Wondering how going independent can benefit? Use our Comparison Worksheet (xls) to find out how your net revenue can increase even after netting out independent expenses. If you need assistance working the numbers, we can help. Call 1-877-488-6534.